Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey

WGNHS Data Viewer

Geoscience data from the Wisconsin Geological Survey

This interactive map shows locations of site data for our collections of geophysical logs and Quaternary core.

Using the map: Click on a point for information about available data. To filter data, click on the data bars below. To learn more about the collections, click on the About bar.


Geophysical logs

This application shows the locations of borehole geophysical log data and presents those logs in downloadable PDF and LAS formats.

The data viewer only includes digital log data collected after 1992. Earlier logs have been archived and are available for historical purposes only.

What is a geophysical log? Geophysical logs are created by lowering and raising a set of probes or instruments in a well or borehole. These probes record measurements of geology and groundwater such as electrical resistivity and potential, natural gamma radiation, fluid conductivity and temperature, and fluid flow rate. They also measure the diameter and shape of the borehole and can record digital or acoustic images of the rock.

Who uses them? These logs are used by municipal water utility operators, geoscience researchers, and water-quality regulators to better understand the geologic setting and groundwater system.

Quaternary core

Sediment core samples provide insight into the glacial history of Wisconsin, the distribution of surficial deposits used in sand and gravel mining, and the character of shallow unconfined aquifers.

This online collection includes locations of samples and types of data collected after 2011.